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Angels Feather Episode 2

There were people who had white wings. They were living peacefully in a kingdom far from the human world. However, it began to cast a dark shadow on their peace. There appeared mutants that had black wings. They had magical powers that white wing people didnֳ¯ֲ¿ֲ½t have, and using their power, they began to rule the kingdom. The king and the queen became victims to them, and they were assassinated. The kingֳ¯ֲ¿ֲ½s confidant sheltered the prince from the enemy, and he took the prince to human world secretly. The king had a little brother. He fell in love with a human woman, it was a forbidden love, and he left the kingdom. The black wings aimed at him, too. The brother lost his life to save his wife and newborn twins.

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megaupload.com[aarinfantasy]_Angels_Feather_OVA2_[705ECB5A].aviavi240.37 MB
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